Learn English Today : 2023.07.05

2023. 7. 5. 11:53매일 영어


오늘 하루는 이 만큼만 영어공부하고!! 내일 아침 또 복습하기!!


1. He's holding a grudge against Lisa.(그는 리사에게 삐져있어.)

A: Did you hear about what happened between Mike and Lisa?

B: No, what happened?

A: They had a big argument last week, and now Mike is really upset.

     He's holding a grudge against Lisa.


2. Get a hold of yourself.(진정해)

A: I can't believe I failed the exam. I'm such a failure.

B: Hey, get a hold of yourself! It's just one exam.

     You'll have more chances to improve.


3. You can get a hold of me.(저에게 연락하면 돼요.)

A: Hey, I need to discuss something important with you.

     Is there a way to reach you if I have questions?

B: Absolutely! You can get a hold of me anytime. What's on your mind?


4. It's been difficult to hold down a job.(직장을 유지하기가 어려웠어.)

A: I've been struggling to find stable employment lately.

     It's been difficult to hold down a job.

B: I understand how challenging that can be.

    What do you think is causing the difficulty?


5. I'll hold you to that.(너가 약속지키는지 지켜볼거야.)

A:  I'll definitely come to your party next weekend.

B: I'll hold you to that.


'매일 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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