Learn English Today : 2023.06.23

2023. 6. 23. 09:54매일 영어


오늘 하루는 이 만큼만 영어공부하고!! 내일 아침 또 복습하기!!


Making a Complaint.

A: Hello. I'd like to speak to the sales manager of this company.

B: Yes, sure, I can get her for you. Please wait here a minute.

C: Hello, my name is Alice, I'm the sales manager. How can I help you?

A: I want to make a complaint about one of your products which I bought yesterday.

C: Which product are you referring to?

A: I used this moisturizer which proved harmful to me.

C: In what way it proved harmful?

A: Right after using it, I got a skin rash. You can clearly see it.

     This has never happened to me before.

C: Well, you can't be sure it was caused by our product.

     The skin allergy may be caused by something else, like some food, for example.

     Our products are made according to the highest industry standards.

A: I know for a fact that it was caused by your product. I don't have any food allergies.

    The quality of your product is not good.

C: Believe me, the quality of our product is very good.

     We have our own laboratory where we do various tests, to ensure the best quality of our products and services.

A: Your company is cheating its customers!

C: We are not cheating our customers. Our products are not harmful in any sense.

A: Very well, then.

     I'll take this case to the consumer protection and prove that you are scammers that cheat people out of money.

C: There's no need to go that far.

     We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll give you a refund right away.

      We'll also pay for a consultation with a dermatologist

      Is that ok with you?

A: Now you're talking!


*make a complaint about : 에 대해 불만을 표시하다.

*In what way : 어떤방식으로

*skin rash : 피부발진

*for a fact : 사실로서

*in any sense : 어떤 면에서도

*consumer protection : 소비자보호

*scammers : 사기꾼

*cheat people out of money : 사람들을 속여 돈을 빼았다.

*There's no need to go that far : 그정도로까지 할 필요는 없다.

*pay for a consultation : 상담비용을 지불하다.

*dermatologist : 피부과 전문의

*Now you're talking! : 이제야 말하는군!


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