Learn English Today : 2023.05.15

2023. 5. 15. 10:16매일 영어


오늘 하루는 이 만큼만 영어공부하고!! 내일 아침 또 복습하기!!


1. It's a shame you have to leave so soon. (그렇게 빨리 떠나야 한다니 아쉬워)

A: "I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. It was great seeing you."

B: "Oh, really? It's a shame you have to leave so soon. I was hoping we could chat some more."

A: "Yes, I have an appointment in 30 minutes. But we should catch up again soon."

B: "Definitely, let's plan something for next week."

*catch up : 지난 소식을 나누다


2. I don't really care for seafood.(나는 진짜 해산물 안 좋아해.)

A: "What would you like to order for dinner? The seafood pasta sounds delicious."

B: "Actually, I don't really care for seafood. Do you have any other suggestions?"

A: Sure, we also have steak or chicken dishes available. Or, there's a vegetarian option if you prefer."

B: "I think I'll go for the steak. Thanks for letting me know."


3. You can't go wrong with black.(검은색은 실패없어.)

A: "I'm trying to decide what to wear for the party tonight. Should I wear this red dress or the black one?"

B: "Hmm, well, both would look great on you. But you can't go wrong with black."

A: "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'll go with the black dress then."

B: "Good choice"


4. Thank you for coming all the way here.(멀리서 여기까지 와준것에 대해 감사드립니다.)

A: "Hi, it's good to see you! How was the trip here?"

B: "It wasn't too bad, thanks. The traffic was a little heavy, but I made it here on time."

A: "Well, I'm really glad you could make it. Thank you for coming all the way here."

B: "Of course, no problem at all. It's always great to see you."

* all the way : 멀리서 or 끝까지


5. He drove all the way from seoul to busan.(그는 서울에서 부산 끝까지 운전했다.)

A: "Have you heard from John lately? I haven't seen him in a while."

B: "Yes, actually, he came to visit me last weekend."

A: "Really? That's great. How was he?"

B: "He was good. He drove all the way from Seoul to Busan to see me."

* all the way : 멀리서 or 끝까지


'매일 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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